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Payment & Payoff

Ready to learn more? 

How do I make my loan payment?

Each NCBL borrower is mailed a monthly payment statement. You can make your monthly payment by US Mail, in person at our Monroeville location, at any member Credit Union (as a shared banking transaction), or by setting up a recurring payment with your depository institution. Please contact our NCBL office at 419-465-2091 with any specific questions.

Does NCBL charge a Pre-Payment penalty?

No, unlike many of our competitors, NCBL loans are made without any penalty for pre-payment.  We want our borrowers to continue their lending relationship with us because they want to, not because they have to.

How long does the approval process take?

Once we have a complete underwriting packet, our underwriting to approval process is typically 5-7 business days. We underwrite in the order received, based on a complete packet of information.  More complex deals with multiple borrowing entities will require more extensive underwriting and we may have questions for you during that process.

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